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Larem in Austria

Thanks to everyone who visited us at the Südwind Street Festival promoting Larem Foundation, We wishes to thank you for the support and trust, we send our appreciation to Weinerberger and Purtscher Relations PR as well as Angelika, Christoph, Elfi, Anni, Vinzenz, Maggie, Christine, Silvia, Inge, Hanni, Eva, Henning and many others. The foundation has always accepted everyone to come help and support in away, from donations of books to toys and clothes for the children, we truly appreciated all the efforts that have always been put in making the children happy.

Uganda Austria friendship

Covid Lockdown Support

2020 was not a great year for the whole world, everything stopped and schools closed, most parents could not work and also provide for their families and the children.

Larem Foundation made donations of food items and basic items to help the house holds to cope up with the terrible situation that the pandemic caused everyone, The Foundation donated food stuff like posh, beans, sugar and also gave soap and financial help to the tutors and the care takers of the school. 


sustainability campaign
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Gift Parcels given out during lockdown

School Project

The Foundation built 2 classrooms to help with learning, the children can now sit in class and learn well. The block contains an office and a library for the school children, the school currently has 74 children enrolled. There are plans to build another classroom in the future and for now renovation works are going to be started. Most of the work needs extra funding that the Foundation is trying to raise, the school fees of 50,000 UGX ( $13) that the parents pay per school term helps with maintenance and also to pay for the caretakers and the tutors, though this is still not enough to cover for most of the operational costs.
Besides the school, a 3-stance toilet was constructed, a playground and a kitchen, all this is fenced for security and safety of the children.

school compound before construction

Plastic Waste Management

Keeping it green!

Larem Foundation team talked to the children and teachers about proper waste management of plastic because the future is in their hands and a clean healthy environment is important for their well being too.....the change starts with you... proper plastic waste management saves the environment '' Make the world a better place''

Special thanks to Vinzenz Fleischhacker who supported us with environmental friendly bags, shirts and brochures against plastic.

sustainability campaign with co founder
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